Hello there!
Welcome to my portfolio.
My name is Alex Bergin. I'm a graphic designer living and working in Detroit, Michigan while pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Graphic Design at the College for Creative Studies.
A photo of myself and my roommate's cat being really cooperative.
My work is focused primarily on interactive, motion, and printed design but I dabble in everything from programming, 3D design, and photography. This website contains most of my major projects and explorations into design. Please follow the links on the left to view each individual projects. If you have any questions for comments, my contact information is always on the upper right hand side of the page.
I'm currently living in Detroit in the Park Shelton and occasionally visit home to work odd hours on my neighbors farm harvesting, planting, taking care of livestock, and building. In my free time, I enjoy outdoorsy stuff like running, swimming, soccer, biking along with activities in the great indoors like playing video games, sleeping in, and watching movies.
TEST Designed and coded by Alex Bergin, 2012
All images, videos, and animations on this site, unless otherwise noted, are licensed under Creative Commons to Alex Bergin and may not be used for commercial purposes without permission.